Super Marionoid Game Review
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A bit of an acquired taste, this game can be fun and challenging. However, the controls can be frustrating and the levels can seem a bit random at times. For example, the first level has rising and lowering platforms that can be a instakill if you walk on them at the wrong time. Also, the graphics seem to conflict with the gameplay at times, e.g., the fact that water that is clearly visible under you can be an instakill despite it not covering your feet seems odd to anyone who has ever played a platform game before.
The Noid from Domino's Pizza commercials in the 80s gets his own 2D jump and run platform game here. His goal is to destroy his clone (Mr Green) that is attacking New York City. Along the way, he has to deal with killer seagulls, harpoon guys, and polar bears.
The level designs are pretty diverse, with a few levels being auto-scrolling right (pizza smashing), one that continually scrolls up (sky scraper level), and two with you controlling a flying gyro that can only be controlled by mashing the A button. This level variety makes the game much more enjoyable than your typical jump and run.